Aries is the sign of BIRTH and the Astrological New Year, and this event is the first of a 12-part series through the zodiac and Earth’s journey around the Sun.
For the FORECAST, we will look at upcoming planetary transits, aspects, and new and full moons for the month to come. What do these celestial cycles and events mean for us on Earth? Which signs will be highlighted? How can we dance, engage, and play with planetary archetypes and energies in our own lives? We will do it through art, movement, myth, creation, community, and exploration. After the Astrological Forecast, we’ll work with the sign the Sun is currently transiting. This time: Aries! Through experiential and experimental co-creation, we'll explore Aries themes and what it is to engage and embody them.
Let’s get the fire going, summon our favorite warriors, and call upon Aries’ energy for manifestation, birth, and activation!!! This event is open to all, and designed for astrology enthusiasts of all levels. If you have it, you may wish to bring your birth chart to see where upcoming planetary events line up for you. A calendar may also be nice. Neither is required to participate fully and have a great time!
NOTE: This monthly event is in-person and virtual. Register by clicking the above to attend online and access the recording. Contact Sarah with questions or for more information: